Illuminating Gratitude: 6 Heartfelt Ways to Express Thanks This Season

Illuminating Gratitude: 6 Heartfelt Ways to Express Thanks This Season

Gratitude, the art of recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of life, holds the key to a more fulfilling existence. Scientifically proven to enhance well-being and foster deeper connections, practicing gratitude creates a ripple effect of positivity.

In the hustle of our fast-paced world, finding moments of gratitude becomes a meaningful anchor in our daily lives. Acknowledging the positive aspects and appreciating the simple joys not only enhances well-being but also deepens our connections with those around us. As lovers of candles and supporters of small businesses, let's explore the power of gratitude in a way that resonates with the warmth and glow that fills our favorite spaces.

This season, let's explore 6 heartfelt ways to embrace and share gratitude, plus our favorite 3 candle gifts for showing gratitude

November 11, 2023 — Kate De Palma
As Seen in Redfin: 20 Inviting Scents to Welcome the Fall Season

As Seen in Redfin: 20 Inviting Scents to Welcome the Fall Season

As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, there's nothing quite like filling your space with scents that capture the essence of fall. From cozy evenings by the fire to pumpkin-picking adventures, these are the types of scents that warm our hearts and homes.

Here at Scented Designs Candle Company, we love fall. Seriously, our fall scented candles are some of our favorite to make! 

So, when well-known real estate company Redfin reached out to Scented Designs recently, asking us for our best recommendation for a scent that is just perfect for fall, we were super excited to share. 

October 25, 2023 — Kate De Palma
5 Fall Decorating Tips for Young Professionals: Cozy Homes, Warm Hearts

5 Fall Decorating Tips for Young Professionals: Cozy Homes, Warm Hearts

Fall is a season of transformation, and it's the perfect time to bring those changes into your living space. For young professionals, creating a cozy, inviting ambiance at home is more than just decor—it's a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and the constant fight to maintain a healthy work life balance. 

For young professionals, decorating your living space for the season can be a delightful way to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. And what better way to achieve that cozy ambiance than with some creative touches and, of course, scented soy candles?

Here are five easy decorating tips for fall for the busy professional from the team here at Scented Designs Candle Co., helping you craft a home that's not only stylish but also incredibly cozy this fall.

September 11, 2023 — Kate De Palma
5 Ways to Creatively Incorporate Fall Candles Into Your Home Decor

5 Ways to Creatively Incorporate Fall Candles Into Your Home Decor

As the crisp air and golden hues of autumn descend upon us, there's no better way to welcome the season than with the flicker of fall-inspired soy candles. At Scented Designs Candle Company, our passion for crafting clean-burning soy candles harmonizes perfectly with the enchanting spirit of fall.

We believe that candles are the ultimate companions for transforming your home into a haven of warmth and comfort, and that incorporating fall-themed candles into your decor is an art that can instantly elevate your space.

Here are Five Imaginative Ways to Incorporate Fall-Inspired Candles into Your Decor, creating an ambiance that's as enchanting as the season itself.

August 24, 2023 — Kate De Palma
7 Tips for Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with Fall Scented Candles

7 Tips for Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with Fall Scented Candles

Your Ultimate Guide to Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with Fall Candles

As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisper, there's a certain magic in the atmosphere that signals the arrival of fall. With pumpkin patches, apple picking, and warm sweaters making a comeback, there's one more thing that can truly transform your space into a cozy haven: fall scented candles.

The captivating fragrance of fall candles can instantly transport you to a world of comfort and tranquility.

In this blog post, 7 Tips for Creating a Cozy Atmosphere with Fall Scented Candles, we'll dive into the world of fall candles, where to find them, and how to use them to create the perfect autumn ambiance.

August 16, 2023 — Kate De Palma
Embrace the Cozy Vibes: Discover the Best Fall Scented Candles for a Warm and Inviting Home

Embrace the Cozy Vibes: Discover the Best Fall Scented Candles for a Warm and Inviting Home

As the crisp autumn air settles in and the leaves begin to turn vibrant shades of red and gold, there's no better time to embrace the cozy vibes and create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home. And what better way to do so than with the flickering glow and enchanting aromas of fall scented candles? I mean, come on.

From the comforting scent of pumpkin spice to the earthy notes of freshly fallen leaves, these aromatic wonders have the power to transform any space into a haven of relaxation and comfort (and they make our candle studio smell really really good!)

In this Fall Candle Guide, we'll take you on a delightful journey through our best fall scented candles here at Scented Designs, carefully curated to ignite your senses and bring a touch of autumn magic to your living space.

August 07, 2023 — Kate De Palma
The Ultimate Guide: Fall Candles 2023

The Ultimate Guide: Fall Candles 2023

Happy Fall, Y'all!

I just switched over my tiered tray decor from my summer themed decor to my fall decor, and that makes it feel real. 

Does anyone else not feel like it's Fall until the pumpkin decor (and pumpkin everything else) comes out?

So, here we are. Fall 2023.

And here at Scented Designs, we've got a few new fall goodies for you, all requested by you, our fabulous customers! 

Get excited! Here are our 3 New Candles and Candle Sets for Fall.

September 25, 2022 — Kate De Palma
Wholesale Fall Scented Candles

Wholesale Fall Scented Candles

Here in California, I'm told, we don't get the true 'four seasons' experience, but that doesn't mean we don't love sweater weather and cozy fall vibes as much as everyone else. 

I realized recently that while I'd written several blog posts on all my favorite fall candles, including 3 Best Smelling Fall Candles Not on Amazon and 7 Best Fall Scents: Your Guide to Candles, I hadn't yet written about fall scents for my retailers and those looking to buy fall candles wholesale for resale in their shops, boutiques, and gift boxes. 

So, retailers, gift box companies, and any one else who needs fall candles in bulk, this one's for you: our 3 best-selling fall candles you have to get for your store!

September 14, 2022 — Kate De Palma
Did Someone Say Pumpkin Candle?

Did Someone Say Pumpkin Candle?

Pumpkin scents and other amazing Fall scents are taking center stage right about now, and we're de-LIGHTed to bring you our newest pumpkin candle design.

This adorable pumpkin pie candle is a perfect addition to your Halloween decor or farmhouse 3 tier tray decor, or as a hostess gift for Thanksgiving.

June 06, 2022 — Kate De Palma