Women's Month Gifts

gift ideas for womens month

Have you ever thought about Women's History Month as a time for gift-giving? Giving gifts during Women's Month can be a way to celebrate and honor the contributions and achievements of women throughout history. It can also be a way to show support and solidarity with the ongoing fight for gender equality.

While giving gifts during March certainly isn't expected, it can certainly be a powerful gesture, whether you're an individual or a business owner.

By giving gifts, you can recognize the women in your life who have made an impact on you and/or your local community. You can also be intentional about selecting gifts that support women-owned businesses, women-led organizations, or feminist causes, all of which can help promote gender equality and support women's empowerment (and isn't that what Women's Month is all about?).


Feminist Gifts

Not sure what kind of gifts will make an impact during Women's Month?

To help you out, we've compiled a list of 8 Gift Ideas to Celebrate Women's History Month and honor the women in your life:

  1. Books written by or about influential women throughout history. Some great examples include Becoming by Michelle Obama, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, and Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.

  2. Feminist-themed clothing, such as t-shirts or sweatshirts with slogans like "Nevertheless, She Persisted" or "Girls Just Want to Have Fundamental Rights."

  3. A hand-poured candle celebrating Women Empowerment. We recommend our Limited Edition Women's Month Candle Set: Empowering Women Empower Women. Featuring a set of 4 scented candles, this versatile gift set lets you keep one candle for yourself and gift the other three. Candles Gift Set for Women

  4. A gift card to a women-led or women-focused business, such as a spa or salon owned by a woman entrepreneur. 

  5. A piece of art or print by a female artist, like Frida Kahlo or Yayoi Kusama.

  6. A women's history-themed board game, like "Votes for Women" or "Women of Science."

  7. A gift certificate for a class or workshop taught by a woman, like a cooking class or a photography workshop.

Feminist Gift Ideas


Learn more about women-owned businesses + our woman-owned candle company on our blog:

My Woman-Owned Business: The Backstory

Support Small Business for Women's Month

7 Reasons to Support Woman-Owned Businesses 

March 03, 2023 — Kate De Palma

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